Sunday, 31 October 2010

Pillow Talk: Spinning According To Mr B

The Scene: Falling asleep at 1am with Mr B telling me about a song they played during his spinning class.

Mr B: "It went like this. Buf*. Buf. Buf. Buf. Climbing up the hill. Buf. Buf. Buf. Buf. More resitance. Buf. Buf. More resistance. Buf. Buf. Bof. At the top now. Buf. Take the resistance off. Buf. Ahhhhhhhhhh rest time. No.Bufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbuf (singing) WAITING FOR A STAR TO FALL**... Bufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbufbuf."

* NB Where "Buf" is supposed to indicate the beat in the music. Mr B does have his own special language.
** Also the song is "Waiting for a star to fall" by Boy Meets Girl, in case it wasn't clear.

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