Thursday, 21 October 2010

Tomato Sauce : It's A Classy Issue

Mr B heard on the radio (Radio 4 no less, therefore it must be true) that your social class is defined by the place in which you store your tomato ketchup.

You're looking at this now thinking that I have actually lost the plot aren't you? Go on, admit it. I am not even kidding.

According to the authority that is The Radio, if you keep your ketchup in the cupboard, you are working-class. If you keep it in the fridge, you are middle-class. If you don't know where your servant keeps it, you are upper-class.

Under this philosophy, Mr B claims to be middle-class. I maintain, however, that I have never seen the ketchup in the fridge (and more importantly, if it has been there before, it better hadn't be in future - I do not want it contaminating my food with it's disgusting-ness).

You may have gathered I do not like tomato ketchup. This makes me so classy I am officially off the scale...

1 comment:

Mizz Bee said...

Its vileness knows no bounds!! I think it must be a boy thing.