Saturday 21 August 2010

ARGH: An Apology

Hello Readers, 

ARGH! I cannot believe it has been over a month since I posted something on here. There is no excuse. 

Here is a list of all the things that have happened which have kept me away from posting:

1. My grandparents Golden Wedding - living in the Land of No Internet prevents blogging in a very most serious way.

2. Applying for a new job - because p*ssing your life away on the internet is not at all conducive to writing a good job application. 

3. Spending time with my Aunty T and her lovely baby - because they live in NZ usually and it's nice to make an effort sometimes. 

4. My guinea pig, Skittles got sick and died - this led to a severe lack of funny and very little to write about. 

5. Job interview prep - again, because p*ssing your life away on the internet is not conducive to preparing well for an interview. 

6. More visiting of the NZ relatives - they flew 48hours to visit us. The least we could do is travel 2 hours to the Homeland and spend some time with them.

7. My grandparents dog died. 

8. Getting the job - well, we had to celebrate, didn't we?!

9. Mr B having a birthday - lots more celebrating and a weekend in Harrogate. 

10. Nana having an operation - to fix a broken shoulder. Cue lots of worrying and travel to the Homeland. 

ARGH. So, there you go. Many most apologies and I sincerely hope that normal service will be resumed shortly. 

Mucheos Loveos, 

Mrs B xxxxxxx

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