Tuesday 20 July 2010

Computer Speak : A Brief Guide

Computer Message: "Error 404. The server understood your request but did not fulfil it" (yes, I really got this message once)
Translation: "The server cannot be arsed to do any work today"

Computer Message: "File not found"
Translation: "S*it, I've lost it"

Computer Message: "Update required, restart computer now or later?" (repeated every 10 seconds)
Translation: "I really feel like irritating someone today, and you're it"

Computer Message: "Twitter is over capacity"
Translation: "I am sick of you. Leave me alone"

Computer Message: "Your profile is temporarily unavailable"
Translation: "You spend too much time on Facebook and we have evicted you"

Computer Message: "Your battery is running critically low..."


Mizz Bee said...

That made me laugh so much!

Loving the new look and the ratings system!

Charlotte B said...

I do love the beetles all over my screen. I love beetles!! I don't know how the rest of it got there, but I am pleased you like it!