Thursday, 1 July 2010

For The Love Of Muffins

There is something special about muffins. Especially chocolate muffins. I am in love with them. In fact, right this second I am day dreaming about biting into a lovely double chocolate muffin with a gooey chocolate centre. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Where was I? Oh yes, I was telling you a story ... back to the muffin love. 

Imagine my jealously when, during a text conversation this evening, my dear friend Jill Bee mentioned she had muffins. To show you the lovely kind of friend she is, I have decided to share with you some snippets of our text conversation. I am sure she won't mind (and if she does, it will serve her right for teasing me)!!

Me: "If there's anything I can do to help, just shout"
JB: "Thanks - can you help me eat these choc muffins"
Me: "Absitively posolutely yes."
JB: "Lol - I'll have to text them to you"
Me: "Crack on ... I'm waiting ... didn't your mammy teach you it's not nice to stand between a girl and her muffins?"

See the blatant mockery? Notice the lack of actual tangible muffins? Does this seem nice to you?

I kid you not. This is the kind of friend I have. The world is not nice to me sometimes. 

I am off to console myself with a chocolate muffin ... 

(* Dislcaimer: Jill Bee is generally very lovely and you should hop over and read her blog immediately) 


Mizz Bee said...

Lol, what can I say? I trust I redeemed myself in the end :-) xx

Charlotte B said...

But of course lovely Bee!! xx