Monday 15 February 2010

A Lighter Note? - Updated

Although I am calling this "A Lighter Note", I'm not really sure if it is a lighter note. Given the current circumstances, I'm not even sure if there should be a lighter note. Mr B and I talked about this, and have decided that we are a bit disgruntled. It's like all of a sudden everything has just gone back to normal, and it shouldn't have. I'm still feeling like the world should have stopped for a little while. But it hasn't, which seems a tad unfair and a lot inappropriate.

Anyway, writing something light-hearted and blog-worthy is probably a bit like jumping back on the proverbial horse after you've been booted off it (although I would never give a horse the opportunity to boot me off, which totally isn't the point). Anyway, I have to share this piece of exciting news. Well, exciting in a relative sense. It's not quite as exciting as winning the lottery (which I did, although I only won £8), but more exciting than getting home to find you have a parcel (which is supremely disappointing when you discover that said parcel is the mobile phone you ordered and not a surprise). In short, it is medium-exciting. Well, actually, medium to low,which raises the question, why am I bothering to share this with you? The answer: I don't really know. It's just something to talk about.

So, after all that build up, you will all no doubt be thrilled to know that the tardis saga has reached a happy conclusion. I have a letter from the Scratch and Stare Doctors (I don't think they are actually called that, I just can't be bothered to reach over to the coffee table to find out what they are actually called). Anyway, I digress. The letter proudly informs me that I am "normal" (whatever that means). I presume it means that the fugitive hiding in my tardis is no longer armed and dangerous (personally, I like to think he/she is carrying out a meaningful hermitage, looking for some greater truth and such like). I am quite pleased by this in the strictly tardis related sense, but also thrilled on a more personal level. Never before have I been referred to as "normal". It is an important moment in my life. In fact, I'm so thrilled, I may have to frame it.

Update: I spoke to our friend CA tonight. She had her "bits" referred to as a vault, in writing from one medical professional to another. If we were playing tardis top trumps, she would win. Hands / vault down!!!


Mizz Bee said...

The experience that stands out in my mind is Mr Scary Gynaecologist standing at the Tardis end with an implement in his hands that looked scarily like a pair of barbecue tongs saying to his student "oh my goodness what on earth is that?". Not a good moment!

Charlotte B said...

ARGH! Jill B, that is not good at all. I hate how all the scary Doctors talk to your tardis. You feel like giving a little wave and shouting "hello, I'm up here". :D