Thursday 18 March 2010

Another Break

I am going to be taking a break away from blogging for a few days. I don't know how many days exactly, I haven't decided. I don't want you to be concerned about the lack of stories (I have plenty of posts saved up for when I come back).

On Tuesday evening, one of my grandads passed away. It is very sad, and I think it would be appropriate for me to show some respect by not behaving like a muppet on the internet for a few days.

Here is a picture of my Grandad H. I am sure I have a nicer picture somewhere, but I can only find group shots on the laptop and it would take far too long to explain to you which one he is.

Anyway, bye Grandad H and a huge hug to all my family (none of whom will be reading this, but never mind).

PS. If you are now thinking that I am some kind of bad luck charm, you would probably be right.

PSS. If you are one of my remaining grandparents, or I am close to you in any way, I would like to pass on an additional message: This year's quota has most definitely been filled. So pack it in and don't get any ideas!!!!!

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