Monday 8 March 2010

Why Multi-Tasking Is Not A Good Idea

Today I have been trying my hand at multi-tasking. I thought that I was quite good at this. It turns out I was wrong. Very wrong.

Mr B had very kindly made me roasted tomato soup for lunch and left it by the cooker for me to heat through at lunch time. When lunch time arrived, I put the soup on to heat and promptly got distracted by some rather lovely looking clusters of purple crocuses in the front garden. So off I trotted with my camera to take a few "artistic" (and I use the word 'artistic' very loosely here) shots. As it was such a lovely sunny day, I had opened the front room window to let some fresh air into the house. It was not long before I got a whiff of something strange coming out of the living room window. It took several seconds for me to make the connection between the rather disturbing smell coming from the window and the soup which I had left heating on the cooker. I had managed to burn my soup to the pan. It was completely inedible.

In desperation I hunted around the house for something else to eat (no easy task given that Monday is shopping day and we had hardly any food in the cupboards). I settled on making macaroni cheese for one. I ended up with macaroni cheese for one small army. Being the persevering kind of person that I am, I did my very best to eat as much of the macaroni cheese as I could. I am now feeling rather like a (very large) Beluga whale.

The moral of the story is that you should not attempt to multi-task, especially not whilst cooking lunch.

On the plus side, I did get a couple of decent snaps of the flowers. So it wasn't a total disaster (although I think Mr B may disagree).

1 comment:

Mizz Bee said...

You're getting good with that there camera of yours! Those pics make me feel all springlike :-)