Thursday, 23 September 2010

An Internal Discussion

I want pudding. Yummy yummy pudding.

No. NO. I will not have pudding. If I have pudding I will get fat. This is not good.

I will have some sweeties. They are not too bad.

Mmmmmmmm Cola Catterpillars. Yummy. These are tasty and I no longer feel as though my internal organs are going to digest themselves.

See. I don't need pudding. I don't even want pudding.


Oh crap. I'm getting a phone call tonight from a very depressed sister-in-law.

I should have got pudding.

I want pudding.

I need pudding.

I need a new life.

I have spent the last thirty minutes talking to myself. And now I am blogging about it.

I am not well. In the head, I mean.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent points and the details are more specific than elsewhere, thanks.

- Norman