Tuesday 12 January 2010

The Adorable FAB

As I still don't have the hang of this blogging business (and am still not sure I actually like it), I'm going to keep this post short. It will also have to be short because I am writing under the influence of sleep inducing drugs (of the legal variety) and should have approximately 20 minutes before they send me into some kind of lovely sleepy coma. This does not really allow time for the perfectionist (and slightly OCD) side of me to type and edit (and then edit again at least twice more).

Anyway. I just wanted to introduce the new, titchy-tiny and utterly adorable Freya A-B (so named, in part, because her initials spell FAB, which she definitely is). Freya is the new addition to my surrogate family (CA, LB and FAB). We spent a couple of enjoyable hours with Freya yesterday evening watching her persistently attempt to defeat CA in the fight to get on the sofa (and failing miserably), play fighting with LB and attempting to bite Mr B into smaller, more manageable chunks (you can't blame the girl for trying), before promptly falling asleep on my knee until I lost the feeling in both my legs!! I am smitten. I would get one tomorrow if Mr B would let me. But, alas, I am only allowed one when I retire or get a hysterectomy and have to be house-bound for a considerable period of time, neither of which will be happening any time soon (I hope).

Here are a couple of snaps.They are not particularly great pictures, but not bad considering they were taken with one hand using my new mobile (and no, the old one still has not been fixed ... but that is a story for another day). I can't wait to get the camera out for some better snaps!

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