Monday 12 April 2010

Dear Pigeons

I noticed that a substantial number of you have taken up residence in the trees opposite my house. I would like you to know that this is not appreciated.

I have noticed you staring into my living room window during the evenings, when I am trying to watch the television in peace. It looks creepy, especially when there are hundreds of you doing the same thing.

I also do not like it when you poop down the side of my house and on my driveway. It does not look pretty.

Mostly, I do not appreciate you being my 3am alarm clock. You see, as a human, I have the presence of mind to set my own alarm clock. It goes off at 6.45am. This is three hours and forty-five minutes later than when you start chirping. I don't understand why you have to start chirping at 3am. There is nothing to see at 3am. The sun isn't even starting to shine.

If you could arrange to pack it in so that I could get some sleep, that would be fantastic!

Mucheos Appreciado,

Mrs B x


Mizz Bee said...

Does Jemima follow your blog?

Charlotte B said...

No. I'm not sure if I have even mentioned it to her. I am not one for shameless self-promotion (which shows in my lack of followers). However, I may have to invite the pigeon to give her (no doubt scathing) response to this letter!!