Saturday 10 April 2010

In Awe Of The Human Body

I am totally in awe of the human body. I have decided it is an amazing thing. No, I have not suffered any kind of trauma to the head, I have merely had a revelation.

A few days ago, I cut my finger with a pair of scissors. I appreciate that this makes me sound a little crazy, so I am going to elaborate. I was actually attempting to cut the scraggly ends off my hair, with a pair of scissors. They were not particularly sharp scissors, and therefore, probably not really up to the job of cutting my hair properly. However, as I explained to Mr B, I had just got my hair into the correct position for trimming, only to realise that the only scissors within reach were paper scissors. I decided to have a go at cutting anyway. I managed to cut through my hair, and also through a chunk of my finger.

The scissors met my finger, removed a chunk and there was a lot of blood. Hardly any pain, but a lot of blood. I am yet to decide whether the lack of pain is a good thing, or whether it may be hiding something more sinister. Today I noticed that the crevice in my finger had started to heal around the edges. That was at about 5.30pm. It is now 10.30pm and the crevice is almost entirely healed. 

So in precisely five hours, the human body has managed to turn a crevice into a little scab. I told you the human body was awesome, didn't I?

* Disclaimer: Please do not try this at home. It is not a good idea. It hurts and it makes a mess. *

1 comment:

Mizz Bee said...

Have you ever thought of a career as a lecturer? I think you would be marvellous and everyone would thoroughly enjoy your powerpoint presentations!!
(If I've made any spelling mistakes this time I'm not going to bother to try and correct them!!)