Sunday 25 April 2010

Freya The Slayer

It is official. The adorable Freya and I have finally bonded... over a recently deceased slug.

I should explain.It happened during our weekend camping trip to North Yorkshire. I offered to take a turn at walking Freya for a toilet break. There I was, happily walking her down the lane when she spotted something and went charging off to have a sniff. This was not at all alarming ... until I realised that the "something" she was off to look at was a slug. I was even more alarmed to discover Freya attempting to chew and swallow the slug.

I decided that swallowing slugs was something that was just not going to happen on my watch. So, I attempted to chase Freya around, which initially did not go well. I must have looked a little deranged in my sweat pants, hoody and Mr B's trainers, holding Freya's lead in one hand (which was still attached to Freya) and chasing her around. She was clearly looking at me thinking "what is this loon trying to do?" and that running around in circles was a really fun game.

Eventually, I caught up with her. Sat on the floor and tried my very hardest to get her to drop it (by shouting "drop it" a lot). Then I realised there was only one thing to do: I was going to have to retrieve the slug. So I attempted to open her mouth to remove it, only for Freya to swallow it at the key moment. I was distraught.

The only positive thing to come out of the situation was that Freya became my new best friend for a while... and decided to turn me into her personal bean bag.

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